Snyk AppRisk - Secrets detection coverage with Nightfall AI
Product training
Snyk AppRisk integrates into Nightfall AI for discovery and coverage validation, as well as coverage policies. Once integrated, coverage can be viewed via
- Application Analytics
- Inventory
- Inventory main screen
- Asset details - clickable into a filtered view in Nightfall AI!
- Inventory filters
- Used as a data point for policies to trigger Slack , email, or Jira workflows
- Policies to define coverage gaps.
- Snyk AppRisk customer
- Nightfall
- API Key
- Repository monitoring enabled from within Nightfall AI
- Detectors and policies configured to detect secrets
Video - 3m01s
Video - 5m36s
Create a coverage policy.
- If you use multiple secret detection tools, the match conditions will be determined by whether they overlap or are exclusive to each code repository.
- Additionally consider a policy to use the new Jira or Slack option to trigger a notification to have this configured/reviewed
Example 1 - Only using Nightfall AI
If you are only using Nightfall AI for secrets detection, don't scope it to a specific repository so any new repositories are factored into your coverage gap
Match 1
- Asset type = repository
Coverage policy set to "not containing one or more of" Nightfall AI
Example 2 - Using multiple secrets detection tools exclusively per source code management system
Match 1
- Asset type = repository
- Attribute contains
Coverage Policy action set to Nightfall AI
Match 2
- Asset type = repository
- Attribute contains (as an example)
Coverage policy action set to the other secrets detection tool(s)
Filter on Coverage where does not contain Nightfall AI to understand where the coverage is missing and export to spreadsheet.
Application Analytics
Review the coverage to understand the severity of the potential coverage issues.