Fixing open source vulnerabilities
Fixing all those pesky issues
Fixing issues
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Congrats! You learned to open a fix PR from the Snyk Web UI. Check out our other lessons to see what else you can do with Snyk!
What to learn next?
Prioritizing issues with Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk
Using Issues (Snyk Enterprise Plan) and Issue Insights (Snyk AppRisk) to review and prioritize issues.
0% Completed
Integrations for asset management and discovery with Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk
In this lesson you will learn the core capabilities and initial integrations with Snyk Essentials and additional capabilities introduced with the purchase of Snyk AppRisk
0% Completed
Reviewing Inventory for asset management and discovery with Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk
The Inventory provides a central, filterable view of all the detected assets, their control coverage, and essential metadata.
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