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Improper input validation

What's the first rule of input validation? Don't trust user input.


Improper input validation: the basics

What is improper input validation?

Untrusted input is any data that is provided by an external source. The most common source of untrusted input into a web application is user input —- such as form data, query strings, and POST requests. However, any data that is not generated or managed by our application should also be treated as untrusted input. This includes cookies, external API responses, transferred files, and many more.

Untrusted input has the ability to interact with our application and modify its execution flow. This is a fundamental system requirement —- a decision is made, and an action is performed based on the input to the application.

When an application receives untrusted input that it does not expect, such as incorrect format or its value being outside of an expected range, unintended consequences can occur if this input is not validated correctly. Exploitation can occur when this untrusted input has been generated for malicious purposes. The vulnerability that allows this to happen is "improper input validation".

About this lesson

In this lesson, you will learn about vulnerabilities stemming from improper input validation and how to protect your applications against them. We will step into the shoes of a hacker who exploits BigCorp Hat Co's website for personal gain, all made possible by improper input validation.

We'll show you how to safeguard your applications from untrusted input.


Client-side Crypto

In 2018 the cryptocurrency exchange BitGrail lost over $170m worth of cryptocurrency due to "unauthorized” transactions. While never publicly acknowledged by BitGrail, security researchers have alleged that improper input validation was the most likely attack vector.

Allegedly, the check if a user has sufficient balance for a withdrawal was performed in JavaScript on the client side. Client-side input validation is trivially bypassable, allowing the attacker to make withdrawals larger than their current account balance.

Improper input validation in action

Improper input validation

  • STEP 1
  • STEP 2
  • STEP 3
  • STEP 4
  • STEP 5

Setting the stage

BigCorp Hats is about to launch a new line of hats. Penelope, a BigCorp Hat Co fan, knows their website could be more secure. Let's see what we can do


next-auth vuln

In August 2022, a Critical vulnerability was identified in the popular authentication package for Next.js - next-auth.

Next-auth had functionality that allowed you to implement password-less authentication via magic links sent via email.

Unfortunately, an improper input validation vulnerability existed in the EmailProvider method that allowed an attacker to provide input with multiple email addresses (for example, attacker@attacker.com,victim@victim.com) to the sign-in endpoint. This means that basic authorization like email.endsWith("@victim.com") in the signIn callback would fail to communicate a threat to the developer and let the attacker bypass authorization, even with an @attacker.com address.

The maintainers patched this vulnerability in version 4.10.3 by adding more robust input validation by normalizing the provided email address and checking for only 1 valid email address. This vulnerability was responsibly disclosed, and the patch was published within 1 week. The security researcher and the package maintainers should be commended for their efforts and handling of this vulnerability.

Improper input validation under the hood

Improper Input validation occurs when untrusted input is not validated for Syntactical and Semantic correctness.

Syntactical validation ensures that the input data is in the correct format (or syntax) that the application expects. For example, a transaction ID should be in Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) format, or a dollar value should be a Number.

If syntactical input validation is not implemented, an attacker can send any form of data to the application to be processed, for example, an SQL injection payload where only a number should be expected.

Semantic validation ensures that the input data is correct in its business context. For example, a start date is before the end date, or a dollar amount is a positive number greater than 0 but less than 1,000,000.

If semantic input validation is not implemented, an attacker can send data to the application which does not adhere to its expected business context. For example, birth date in the future or a negative account on an account withdrawal.

In addition to syntactical and semantic input validation, we need to pay close attention to where within our application the input validation is occurring. Input validation performed on the client side is trivially bypassable and should NEVER be used as a security control. Client-side input validation is ONLY for usability (helping the user complete a form).

Instead, input validation MUST be implemented on the server side before any application function acts on the data.

Posting to the BigCorp Hat Co /basket endpoint may look something like this:

While the quantity input is being validated syntactically, it is not being validated semantically. A negative quantity should not be allowed. This improper input validation allowed Penelope to set a negative value for the quantity of the items in her shopping basket, giving her a negative total value resulting in what is effectively store credit.

What is the impact of improper input validation?

Improper input validation enables an attacker to affect the behavior of an application, resulting in unintended execution flow, data manipulation, or even malicious code execution.

It can be challenging to quantify the impact of improper input validation as it is the initial attack vector for many other vulnerability classes. Improper input validation can lead to SQL injection, OS command injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), denial of service (DoS), buffer overflow, remote code execution (RCE), and many other categories of exploitation.

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Improper input validation mitigation

Effective input validation controls reduce an application's attack surface by placing restrictions (syntactical and semantic validation) on the application's untrusted input.

For basic data types, such as JavaScipt's built-in objects, such as JavaScript Numbers, syntactic validation can be performed by simply checking the variable's type. The Number.isInteger() method determines whether the passed value is an integer.

For simple validation, basic functions like the one below can be written. This one checks if a number is within a range:

However, validating more complex data types can become complicated quickly. Implementing your own input validation is a tedious and error-prone process. You only need to see some of the complex Regular Expressions (RegEx) available to validate an email address to realize this is not something you should be manually implementing.

Luckily, many input validation libraries and packages are available that take the hard work out of it. A widely used JavaScript library is validator.js. Validator.js has many input functions for validating a wide variety of untrusted inputs.

For example:

  • isEmail
  • isAlphanumeric
  • isAscii
  • isCreditCard
  • isCurrency
  • isDate
  • isFQDN
  • isJWT
  • isLength
  • any many more

Many validation libraries (including validator.js) allow you to define your own regular expression or logic for custom validation to enable you to validate your own custom data types and application or business-specific semantic validation.


regex :(

Care should be exercised when creating regular expressions. Poorly designed expressions may result in potential denial of service conditions through a vulnerability known as Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS).

The following email validation regex is vulnerable to ReDos: ^([a-zA-Z0-9])(([-.]|[_]+)?([a-zA-Z0-9]+))*(@){1}[a-z0-9]+[.]{1}(([a-z]{2,3})|([a-z]{2,3}[.]{1}[a-z]{2,3}))$

The following regex is safe from ReDos: /^(([^<>()[]\.,;:\s@"]+(.[^<>()[]\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z-0-9]+.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/

Don't try and reinvent the wheel. Just use the tried and tested methods. Check out the Snyk Learn lesson on regexfor more information on this vulnerability type.

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