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For Snyk Enterprise customers with regional contracts. More info

Prioritizing issues with Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk

Product Training

Issues overview

The Issues interface, accessible from Group and Organization level, provides a centralized interface for prioritizing issues across projects or organizations. Using application context, business context, and security intelligence from the Snyk database allows users to prioritize issues quickly and effectively.

snyk essentials issues

Once issues are filtered, issues can be exported, investigated further, or tickets can be created from the individual issues, or issue managed, as needed.

Requirements for using Issues

  • Snyk Enterprise customer
  • Group Viewer role for Group-level access or Org Collaborator role to access from the Org-Level

Video: 4m53s

Runtime insights and risk factors

For customers that have purchased Snyk AppRisk, runtime risk factor insights, accessible from the Issues menu, either at the Group or Organization level, helps solve several questions asked when shifting security left as part of the development process:

  • What to fix , where to fix, or where did it come from?
  • What issues have the highest risk and are in applications that are actually deployed?
  • Is the application publicly accessible or is it an issue in the operating system you're running it on?
  • Are the packages loaded?

This is achieved by integration runtime sensors, such as Snyk Runtime Sensor, or a third-party tool like Dynatrace, Sentinel One, etc. Such integrations give insights such as, is the container deployed, public facing, and even if a package was loaded, if supported. This information can be used to filter and focus issues on high risk items.

Snyk Runtime Insights and risk factors

Requirements for Runtime Insights

  • Snyk Enterprise customer with Snyk AppRisk
  • Group Viewer role for group-level access to Insights or Org Collaborator role to access from the Org-Level
    • Evidence graphs are only available when Insights is accessed from the Group level menu and have Group Viewer role
  • Insights Connector for Kubernetes.
  • For loaded package metrics, integration into one of the supported third-party runtime or Snyk's Runtime Sensor is required. See documentation for more information.
  • Scanning your images with Snyk Container
  • Tags set in Snyk with the appropriate format on related elements like the open source, code, and container projects.

Video: 7m18s

Troubleshooting Runtime Insights

Insights has a tab to Set up Insights. This tab is important to be able to troubleshoot and understand why a resource may be appearing or not.

Snyk AppRisk - Issue Insights configuration

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