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Overview of Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk for asset management and discovery

Product Training


In this lesson we will learn about Snyk Essentials, included in the Snyk Enterprise plan, and capabilities introduced through the additional purchase of Snyk AppRisk. Many other modules are available under the Essentials and AppRisk tags in Snyk Learn! See Snyk Learn's Snyk Essentials content and Snyk Learn's Snyk AppRisk content for more learning content for these features.



You can find a reference for terminology, as it pertains to asset management, in the Snyk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk terminology lesson: https://learn.snyk.io/lesson/snyk-essentials-and-snyk-apprisk-terminology

Snyk Essentials

Snyk Essentials capabilities, available as part of the Snyk Enterprise plan, allow organizations to:

  • Discover applications, getting visibility into your organization's application landscape.
  • Manage security coverage, validating that Snyk controls are applied consistently and where required.
  • The ability to shift left with Snyk's developer first tools
  • Discover code-based and container assets.

The following video provides a high-level overview of Snyk Essential and Snyk AppRisk's core capabilities and the problems they solve for.

Video: 9m 18s

Snyk AppRisk - Overview

With that additional purchase of Snyk AppRisk, you additionally gain the abilities to:

  • Extend discovery of assets through to runtime.
  • Ensure assets are covered by appropriate controls, including supported third-party tools, such as secrets detection, and others.
  • Prioritize issues based on holistic runtime, development and business context, including deployed images and loaded packages with Insights.
  • Track, measure and report upon application risk with advanced analytics using Application Analytics.

The following video provides an overview of the additional capabilities that Snyk AppRisk introduces on top of Snyk Essentials. Video: 7m 39s

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